Spline Uncertainty Propagation (fiducia.error)

Created on Tues June 16 13:48:21 2020

Utilities for calculating response uncertainty

@author: Myles Brophy


detectorErrMC(detArr, detArrVariance[, …])

Monte Carlo simulation and statistics to determine cubic spline uncertainty.

knotVarianceFind(channels[, …])

Modification of response.knotFind()

responseInterpVariance(energyNorm, …)

Given a DANTE detector response as a function of energy, convert the response to normalized photon energy, t, over a given spline segment, and return interpolated response values for a given value of t.

fancyTrapz2Variance(energyNorms, yChis, …)

Calculate the variance when propogating uncertainties through fiducia.cspline.fancyTrapz2().

detectorArrVariance(channels, knots, …[, …])

Propagates uncertanity through cspline.detectorArr() to find the variance in :math:`M_{int}().

detectorUncertainty(channels, responseFile)

Finds the cspline detector matrix, it`s inverse matrix and std matrix using Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation.