Source code for fiducia.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 25 12:22:01 2019

FIDUCIA: Filtered Diode Unfolder (using) Cubic Spline Algorithm

DANTE spectrum deconvolver based on cubic splines method [1]. Translated
from Dan Barnak's Mathematica code.

DANTE channels are bounded by edge absorption feature (knot point) due to
filter for the respective channel. Cubic splines representing the estimated
spectrum are fitted in each spectral region bounded by knot points. The
detector signal for each channel is then equal to the response function of
the detector folded with the matrix representation of the cubic spline. A
triadiagonal matrix representation of the cubic spline equation is used to
make the problem numerically tractable. This way a matrix inversion can be
used to solve for the unknown coefficients in the cubic spline equation,
using the measured signals. These coefficients are then plugged back into
the cubic spline equation over each interval (between knot points) to
make a piecewise reconstruction of the x-ray spectrum at each time step.


Cubic spline deconvolution method
[1] J. P. Knauer and N. C. Gindele. Temporal and spectral deconvolution of
data from diamond, photoconductive devices. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3714 (2004)

Error propagation for cubic spline deconvolution method
[2] D. L. Fehl and F. Briggs. Verification of unfold error estimates in the
unfold operator code. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 890 (1997)
Useful description of cubic spline matrix representation

Paper comparing cubic splines unfolds to other methods
[4] D. H. Barnak, J. R. Davies, J. P. Knauer, and P. M. Kozlowski. Soft
x-ray spectrum unfold of K-edge filtered x-ray diode arrays using
cubic splines. Submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments in 2020.

@author: Pawel M. Kozlowski

# python modules
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import sigma_sb, k_B
import xarray as xr

# custom modules
from fiducia.rawProcess import (loadCorrected,
from fiducia.loader import signalsAtTime, loadResponses
from fiducia.cspline import knotSolve, reconstructSpectrum
from fiducia.visualization import plotStreak, plotTraces, plotResponse
from fiducia.response import knotFind
from fiducia.error import trapzVariance
import fiducia.pltDefaults

# listing all functions declared in this file so that sphinx-automodapi
# correctly documents them and doesn't document imported functions.
__all__ = ["simulateSignal",

[docs]def simulateSignal(): """ Takes the inferred spectrum and folds it with the instrument function to retrieve the forward propagated signal for each DANTE channel. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ return
[docs]def inferRadTemp(power, area, angle, powerUncertainty=None): r""" Gets the inferred radiation temperature by calculating in from radiated power through the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Parameters ---------- power: float, np.ndarray Total radiated power as a function of time calculated from unfolded spectra. See :func:`main.inferPower()`. area: float Area of emitting surface in units of mm^2. For hohlraums/halfraums, this is the area of the LEH. angle: float Angle between the surface area normal and the Dante line of sight in degrees. Usually 37.4 degrees for hohlraums/halfraums. Must be between 0 and 90 degrees. powerUncertainty: float, np.ndarray, optional Uncertainty in total radiated power as a function of time calculated from unfolded spectra. See :func:`main.inferPower()`. The default is None. Returns ------- tRad : numpy.ndarray Radiation temperature of the blackbody emitter. tRadVariance: numpy.ndarray Variance :math:`\sigma^2` on the radiation temperature. Notes ----- Total x-ray flux (power) from a black body emitter is given by: .. math:: P = \sigma_{SB} A \cos(\theta) T^4 Where P = power, :math:`\sigma_{SB}` = Stefan-Boltzmann constant, A is the area of radiating surface, :math:`\theta` is the viewing angle between the surface area normal and the Dante line-of-sight, T is the radiation temperature of the black body emitter. Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ # limit viewing angles to 90 degrees. if not 0 <= angle <= 90: raise Exception("Angle must be between 0 and 90 degrees.") # when power uncertainty is not given, it is set to zero. if powerUncertainty is None: if type(power) is np.ndarray: powerUncertainty = np.zeros(power.shape) else: powerUncertainty = 0 cosAngle = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) #Stefan-Boltzmann constant sb = ** 2 * u.K ** 4)) sigma_sb_unitless = sb.value kb = denom = area * cosAngle * sigma_sb_unitless # value to be quadratic rooted for getting radiation temperature val2Root = power / denom # quadratic rooting to get Trad in Kelvins, and converting from # Kelvins to electronvolts. tRad = np.power(val2Root, 0.25) * kb tRadVariance = 0.0 if np.shape(powerUncertainty) == np.shape(power): # tRadVariance = kb ** 2 / np.sqrt(denom) * (0.25 * power ** (-0.75) * powerUncertainty) ** 2 tRadVariance = (0.25 * tRad * powerUncertainty / power) ** 2 # cleaning up cases where we get nan because input power is zero tRadVariance = np.nan_to_num(tRadVariance) return tRad, tRadVariance
[docs]def inferPower(energies, spectra, spectraUncertainty=None): r""" Gets the inferred total radiation power as a function of time. Parameters ---------- energies: numpy.ndarray Photon energies corresponding to input spectrum spectra: numpy.ndarray Spectral Flux values as a function of photon energy in units of (GW/sr/eV) Returns ------- power: numpy.ndarray Total x-ray power (flux) as a function of time. powerVariance: numpy.ndarray Variance :math:`\sigma^2` on total x-ray power. Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ if spectraUncertainty is None: spectraUncertainty = np.zeros(spectra.shape) timesLength = np.shape(spectra)[1] power = np.zeros(timesLength) powerVariance = np.zeros(timesLength) for idx in range (0, timesLength): power[idx] = np.trapz(y = spectra[:, idx], x=energies[:, idx]) powerVariance[idx] = trapzVariance(spectraUncertainty[:, idx], x=energies[:, idx]) return power, powerVariance
[docs]def analyzeSpectrum(channels, knots, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, measurementFrame, time, signalsUncertainty = None, yGuess=0, boundary="y0", nPtsIntegral=100, nPtsSpectrum=100, plotSignal=False, plotKnots=False, plotSpectrum=True): r""" Given the response function file and the DANTE measurement data file, run cubic spline analysis to reconstruct spectrum for a given time. Parameters ---------- channels: list, numpy.ndarray List or array of relevant DANTE channel numbers. responseFrame: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Pandas dataFrame containing response functions for each DANTE channel. See loadResponses(). knots: list, numpy.ndarray List or array of knot point photon energy value. See knotFind(). detArr : xarray.DataArray Matrix representing the spectrally integrated folding of the detector response with a cubic spline interpolation of the x-ray spectrum. 2D array of channels and knot points of shape (n, n). detArrBoundaryCol : xarray.DataArray Column of cublic spline matrix corresponding to the knots at the boundary chosen with `boundary`. detArrVarianceBoundaryCol: xarray.DataArray Column of variances in the cublic spline matrix corresponding to the knots at the boundary chosen with `boundary`. detArrInv : xarray.DataArray Inversion of detArr, with the column corresponding to boundary removed so detArr is invertible. stdDetArrInv : xarray.DataArray Array of the standard deviation of each element in detArrInv based on variance using the `responseUncertaintyFrame` propagated with Monte Carlo. measurementFrame: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing DANTE measurement data. See readDanteData() and readDanProcessed(). time: float Time for which we want DANTE signals (in ns). signalsUncertainty: numpy.ndarray, optional One dimensional array with each element corresponding to the uncertainty each signal. The default is None. yGuess: float, optional Guess for position of boundary knot point. Default 0. boundary: str, optional Choose whether yGuess corresponds to :math:`y_0` (lowest photon energy) or :math:`y_{n+1}` (highest photon energy) boundary condition. This should correspond to the photon energy value given in knots. Options are `y0` or `yn+1`. Default 'y0'. nPtsIntegral: int, optional Number of points used in computing the integral. Default is 100. nPtsSpectrum: int, optional Number of points to use in reconstructing the spectrum. Default is 100. plotKnots: Bool, optional Flag for plotting the Dante signal at the given time across all channels. Default is False. plotKnots: Bool, optional Flag for plotting just the solved knot points. Default is False. plotSpectrum: Bool, optional Flag for plotting the unfolded spectrum. Default is True. Returns ------- knotsYAll: numpy.ndarray Array of knot point intensity values with yGuess appended. See knotSolve() and analyzeSpectrum(). knotsYVariance: numpy.ndarray Array of knot point intensity uncertainty values with yGuess appended. See knotSolve() and analyzeSpectrum(). photonEnergies: numpy.ndarray Photon energy axis of unfolded spectrum. intensities: numpy.ndarray Spectral intensity axis of unfolded spectrum. intensitiesVariance: numpy.ndarray Uncertaitny (1 :math:`\sigma`) on spectral intensity values. Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ # Select a particular time step for generating x-ray spectrum from DANTE signals = signalsAtTime(time=time, measurementFrame=measurementFrame, channels=channels, plot=plotSignal, method="interp") # solve knots and plot # if signalsUncertainty is None: # signalsUncertainty = np.ones(signals.shape) knotsY, knotsYVariance = knotSolve(signals, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, signalsUncertainty, yGuess=yGuess, npts=nPtsIntegral) #Root the variance to get the uncertainty (sigma) knotsYUncertainty = np.sqrt(knotsYVariance) # prepending y0 guess to form full array of y knot values equal in # length to knot energy values if boundary == "y0": knotsYAll = np.append([yGuess], knotsY) knotsYUncertaintyAll = np.append([yGuess], knotsYUncertainty) elif boundary == "yn+1": knotsYAll = np.append(knotsY, [yGuess]) knotsYUncertaintyAll = np.append(knotsYUncertainty, [yGuess]) else: raise Exception(f"No method found for boundary {boundary}.") # making simple plot at this intermediate step to get rough idea # of the shape of the spectrum if plotKnots: plt.plot(knots, knotsYAll) plt.xlabel("Energy (eV)") plt.ylabel("X-ray spectrum") plt.title("cubic spline knots") # reconstruct spectrum using inferred knot points chLen = len(channels) photonEnergies, intensities, intensitiesVariance = reconstructSpectrum(chLen, knots, knotsYAll, knotsYUncertaintyAll, nPtsSpectrum, plot=plotSpectrum) photonEnergiesPlus, intensitiesPlus, _ = reconstructSpectrum(chLen, knots, knotsYAll+knotsYUncertaintyAll, knotsYUncertaintyAll, nPtsSpectrum, plot=False) photonEnergiesMinus, intensitiesMinus, _ = reconstructSpectrum(chLen, knots, knotsYAll-knotsYUncertaintyAll, knotsYUncertaintyAll, nPtsSpectrum, plot=False) #subtract to just get the delta from intensities. plot_line_shaded just wants the difference intensitiesPosDiff = intensitiesPlus-intensities intensitiesNegDiff = intensities - intensitiesMinus if plotSpectrum: fiducia.pltDefaults.plot_line_shaded(photonEnergies, intensities, intensitiesPosDiff, intensitiesNegDiff,) plt.xlabel("Photon Energy (eV)") plt.ylabel("Spectrum (GW/sr/eV)") plt.title("Spectra with error bars") return knotsYAll, knotsYVariance, photonEnergies, intensities, intensitiesVariance
[docs]def analyzeStreak(channels, responseFrame, knots, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, measurementFrame, timeStart, timeStop, timeStep, signalsUncertainty=None, yGuess=0, boundary="y0", nPtsIntegral=100, nPtsSpectrum=100): r""" Given the response function file and the DANTE measurement data file, run cubic spline analysis to reconstruct spectrum for a given time. Parameters ---------- channels: list, numpy.ndarray List or array of relevant DANTE channel numbers. responseFrame: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Pandas dataFrame containing response functions for each DANTE channel. See loadResponses(). knots: list, numpy.ndarray List or array of knot point photon energy value. See knotFind(). detArr : xarray.DataArray Matrix representing the spectrally integrated folding of the detector response with a cubic spline interpolation of the x-ray spectrum. 2D array of channels and knot points of shape (n, n). detArrBoundaryCol : xarray.DataArray Column of cublic spline matrix corresponding to the knots at the boundary chosen with `boundary`. detArrVarianceBoundaryCol: xarray.DataArray Column of variances in the cublic spline matrix corresponding to the knots at the boundary chosen with `boundary`. detArrInv : xarray.DataArray Inversion of detArr, with the column corresponding to boundary removed so detArr is invertible. stdDetArrInv : xarray.DataArray Array of the standard deviation of each element in detArrInv based on variance using the `responseUncertaintyFrame` propagated with Monte Carlo. measurementFrame: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing DANTE measurement data. See :func:`loader.readDanteData` and :func:`readDanProcessed`. timeStart: float Start time for producing temporally streaked DANTE spectra (in ns). timeStop: float End time for producing temporally streaked DANTE spectra (in ns). timeStep: float Time step size for producing temporally streaked DANTE spectra (in ns). signalsUncertainty: numpy.ndarray, optional One dimensional array with each element corresponding to the uncertainty each signal. The default is None. yGuess: float, optional Guess for position of boundary knot point. Default is 1e-77. boundary: str, optional Choose whether yGuess corresponds to :math:`y_0` (lowest photon energy) or :math:`y_{n+1}` (highest photon energy) boundary condition. This should correspond to the photon energy value given in knots. Options are `y0` or `yn+1`. Default 'y0'. nPtsIntegral: int, optional Number of points used in computing the integral. Default is 100. nPtsSpectrum: int, optional Number of points to use in reconstructing the spectrum. Default is 100. Returns ------- times energies spectra spectraVariance Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ chLen = len(channels) # generating evenly spaced timesteps times = np.arange(timeStart, timeStop + timeStep, timeStep) timesLen = len(times) # initializing array for holding spectral values spectralPts = chLen * nPtsSpectrum - chLen energies = np.zeros((spectralPts, timesLen)) spectra = np.zeros((spectralPts, timesLen)) #TODO implement spectraVariance once DotVariance works on N-D arrays spectraVariance = np.zeros((spectralPts, timesLen)) for idt, time in enumerate(times): # process the spectrum for the given time results = analyzeSpectrum(channels, knots, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, measurementFrame, time, signalsUncertainty=signalsUncertainty, yGuess=yGuess, boundary=boundary, nPtsIntegral=100, nPtsSpectrum=100, plotKnots=False, plotSpectrum=False) knotsYAll, knotsYVariance, photonEnergies, intensities, intensitiesVariance = results # including unfolding spectrum for time step into array of spectra # for all time steps energies[:, idt] = photonEnergies spectra[:, idt] = intensities spectraVariance[:, idt] = intensitiesVariance print(f"Completed time step {time} ns.") # plotting streaked spectrum plotStreak(times, energies, spectra) return times, energies, spectra, spectraVariance
[docs]def feelingLucky(dataFile, attenuatorsFile, offsetsFile, responseFile, csplineDatasetFile, channels, area, angle, signalsUncertainty=None, peaksNum=2): r""" Attempt processing dante signals given dante data file and calibration files using sensible defaults. Parameters ---------- dataFile: str Full path to the Dante .dat file containing dante signals from LLE site. attenuatorsFile: str Full path to file containing attenuator serial numbers and corresponding attenuation factors. offsetsFile: str Full path to file containing oscilloscope channel offsets in time and voltage. responseFile: str Full path and filename of .csv file containing DANTE respones functions corresponding to dataFile. csplineDatasetFile : str File pointing to the path of the saved dataset containing ''detArr'', ''detArrBoundaryCol'', ''detArrInv'', and ''stdDetArrInv''. See :func:'error.analyzeSpectrumUncertainty()'. channels: list, numpy.ndarray List or array of relevant channels for which to apply analysis. area: float Area of emitting surface in units of mm^2. For hohlraums/halfraums, this is the area of the LEH. Used in Trad calculation. angle: float Angle between the surface area normal and the Dante line of sight in degrees. Usually 37.4 degrees for hohlraums/halfraums. Used in Trad calculation. signalsUncertainty: numpy.ndarray, optional One dimensional array with each element corresponding to the uncertainty each signal. The default is None. Returns ------- Notes ----- See also -------- Examples -------- """ #load cspline matrix related files csplineDataset = xr.open_dataset(csplineDatasetFile).load() detArr = csplineDataset['detArr'] detArrBoundaryCol = csplineDataset['detArrBoundaryCol'] detArrVarianceBoundaryCol = csplineDataset['detArrVarianceBoundaryCol'] detArrInv = csplineDataset['detArrInv'] stdDetArrInv = csplineDataset['stdDetArrInv'] #close out of the files csplineDataset.close() #find what boundary was used when calculating cspline matrices boundary = csplineDataset.attrs['boundary'] # loading data and applying corrections. timesFrame, dfAtten, onChList, hf, dfVolt = loadCorrected(danteFile=dataFile, attenuatorsFile=attenuatorsFile, offsetsFile=offsetsFile, plot=True) # removing hysteresis and background with a polynomial fit dfPoly = hysteresisCorrect(timesFrame=timesFrame, df=dfAtten, channels=channels, order=5, prominence=0.2, width=10, avgMult=1) # aligning signals to peak # aligning to 1e-9 seconds by default. # looking for 2 peaks and aligning to the first (0th index) peak. timesAligned = align(timesFrame=timesFrame, df=dfPoly, channels=channels, peaksNum=peaksNum, peakAlignIdx=0, referenceTime=1e-9, prominence=0.01, width=10, avgMult=1.5) # constructing dataframe for passing to analyzeStreak() measurementFrame = constructMeasurementFrame(timesFrame=timesAligned, df=dfPoly, channels=channels) # testing plot traces plotTraces(channels, measurementFrame, scale='log') # loading dante responses responseFrame = loadResponses(channels, responseFile) # getting knots from response function edges # currently not forcing any knots knots = knotFind(channels=channels, responseFrame=responseFrame, forceKnot=np.array([]), knotBoundary=0, boundary=boundary) # print(f"Channels: {channels}") # print(f"Channels length: {len(channels)}") # print(f"Knot energies (eV): {knots}") # print(f"Knot energies length: {len(knots)}") # plotting all relevant response functions # plotResponse(channels=channels, # responseFrame=responseFrame, # knots=knots) # unfolding the spectrum for a particular time step # currently unfolding at 1 ns time = 1.0 spectrumResults = analyzeSpectrum(channels, knots, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, measurementFrame, signalsUncertainty=signalsUncertainty, time=time, yGuess=0, boundary=boundary, plotKnots=True) knotsYAll, knotsYVariance, photonEnergies, intensities, intensitiesVariance = spectrumResults # unfolding time resolved spectra timeStart = -1 timeStop = 4 timeStep = 0.1 streakResults = analyzeStreak(channels, responseFrame, knots, detArr, detArrBoundaryCol, detArrVarianceBoundaryCol, detArrInv, stdDetArrInv, measurementFrame, timeStart, timeStop, timeStep, signalsUncertainty=signalsUncertainty, yGuess=0, boundary=boundary, nPtsIntegral=100, nPtsSpectrum=100) times, energies, spectra, spectraVariance = streakResults spectraUncertainty = np.sqrt(spectraVariance) power, powerVariance = inferPower(energies, spectra, spectraUncertainty) plt.scatter(times, power) plt.xlabel("Time (ns)") plt.ylabel("Radiated Power (GW/sr)") powerUncertainty = np.sqrt(powerVariance) fiducia.pltDefaults.plot_line_shaded(times, power, powerUncertainty) plt.xlabel("Time (ns)") plt.ylabel("Radiated Power (GW/sr)") axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([0,None]) tRad, tRadVariance = inferRadTemp(power, area, angle, powerUncertainty) plt.scatter(times, tRad) plt.xlabel("Time (ns)") plt.ylabel("Radiation Temperature (eV)") tRadUncertainty = np.sqrt(tRadVariance) fiducia.pltDefaults.plot_line_shaded(times, tRad, tRadUncertainty) plt.xlabel("Time (ns)") plt.ylabel("Radiation Temperature (eV)") axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([0,None]) # return None return times, energies, spectra, power, tRad