
fiducia.loader.signalsAtTime(time, measurementFrame, channels, plot=False, method='interp')[source]

Get DANTE signals from each channel at a particular time. Default is to return an interpolated value of the signal at the given time. Alternatively, this function can return the nearest value in the signal data array for the given time.

  • time (float) – Time for which we want DANTE signals (in ns).

  • measurementFrame (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – Pandas dataframe containing DANTE measurement data. See readDanteData() and readDanProcessed().

  • plot (Bool) – When True, plots DANTE signals vs channel index at a particular time.

  • method (str) – Either ‘nearest’ or ‘interp’. ‘nearest’ finds the nearest point in the DANTE signal to the given time. ‘interp’ returns an interpolated signal value for the given time. Default is ‘interp’.


signals – Dante signals for each channel at a particular time step.

Return type


